Autor: Milica Savić
Translator: Marija Rakić / Tanja Ćetojević
PHOTO: Wordpress
That is why iSerbia has been thinking about you the whole time. Somehow, we had to create a story that would bring out a certain level of relaxation, creativity, motivation from you and help you in your learning experience. That was how the Photo contest came to life.
I was the first one to have an insight into your photos so I have to share my impressions. I am really glad that you have shared with us that moment which everyone experiences in his/her own way, but which is, on the other hand, the same for everybody.
The photos show the ways in which you encourage yourselves to study, the moments when you are interrupted, the moments when you become an artist and the seconds when you maybe stepped into somebody else’s shoes. Anyway, you were studying and that is how we all got to October.
I am not the only one who is proud. The director and the editor-in-chief, Marija Mitrovanov, talks about how our mailboxes were overwhelmed with your photos. “Since the readers were used to reading articles on our website and getting informed about contests, trying to engage them in an activity of the iSerbia website was something new and the outcome was perhaps uncertain. Considering that we are starting to increase the diversity of contents and activities and, thus, our readership engagement, I am really pleased with the number of received photos. I have even noticed that the number of incoming photos doubles whenever we publish a couple of them.” she said and continued to explain that each of your photos has to be appreciated as an individual effort.
PHOTO: Lard bucket
"All these activities captured by the camera are an excellent indicator of the difficulties encountered by university students during their studies. Therefore, when they complete their studies and look back on the time spent, they deserve respect. Not because of the rolled up piece paper which reads "Diploma" on the header, but because of the fierce struggle with so many challenges during their studies. That is what we wanted to present."
This is not the end
Although our Photo contest is over, we will not stop there! An exhibition of your photos is forthcoming, and this is a big task we are looking forward to.
All the photos we have received will be presented at this exhibition and the winners will be awarded. It will also be an occasion to showcase all of our associates and participants in the event.. Another great surprise will be the accompanying art exhibition.
PHOTO: Marija Mitrovanov
Photo and art exhibition
“For several months now, the iSerbia website has been gathering a large number of exceptionally talented, young but unknown artists, and promoting their work. Many have been noticed because of that. On this occasion they will have a chance to present their works (drawings, jewellery, sculptures...) and if they want, to sell their works too.”
“So, all in all, this will be an event which will promote the capacities, talents, and the achievements of young people. I generally consider this to be the most important kind of promotion. Their achievements, their path to education, the things they create and their works have been in the background for too long. As an example, when I saw the works of our young artists I could not believe that something like that really existed in somebody’s room and that no one had ever noticed it. As a society, we are all responsible for this, and for that reason, iSerbia as a youth organization has taken the responsibility to show who the creators of such amazing work really are.”
For all of these reasons stay with us to cultivate the trust we have built together. The exhibition is planned for January next year - when winter comes so that we can recall the hot summer! Follow our activities through the iSerbia portal and through our social networks where we will inform you about the exact date.
Check out our Photo contest album HERE!
The Serbian version of this text is HERE / Verzija ovog teksta na srpskom jeziku je OVDE.
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